Bulletin board

Lesson 21 : Visual Aids

Bulletin board

It is a simple inexpensive device that can be placed either outdoor, or indoors. A soft board that will hold pins or tacks is most suitable. It can perform basic communication functions. It can attract attention, stimulate interest, deliver a message and promote action. Items generally used on a bulletin board include photographs, cut-out illustrations from publications, drawings, specimens, notices, posters and wall news papers.


Uses of Bulletin board:

  1. Local announcement of importance to all the villagers
  2. Photographs to show local activities
  3. Follow-up instructions for the villagers on things demonstrated and emphasized Visual reminders for things to be done, when, how and by whom

Advantages of Bulletin board:

  1. Draws attention to important announcements
  2. Develops audience interest
  3. Facilitates display of graphic and pictorial matter
  4. Highlights current activities and achievement
  5. A basic means of communication at less cost
  6. Effective use of bulletin board
  1. Place the bulletin board against the entrance or on a well lighted place where the people are likely to assemble or pass through. Fix it firmly on a stand or on the wall, at eye level.
  2. Collect and prepare suitable materials for display. Present only one or two relevant topics at a time. Arrange materials in an orderly and interesting manner. Avoid unrelated materials and overcrowding.
  3. Use colour harmony and balance. Caption all illustrations give a suitable title to the display. Change materials regularly and keep the bulletin board up-to date and tidy.

Bulletin boards can be made effective in many ways:

  1. Choose a location where the board will be seen.
  2. It should be placed at a height that is appropriate to the viewers and there should be adequate light so that it can be easily seen
  3. Keep the bulletin board neat and clean.
  4. Use a variety of techniques to attract attention.
  5. Use a variety of lettering techniques
  6. Involve the audience
Last modified: Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 7:30 AM