Selecting a theme for visuals

Lesson 21 : Visual Aids

Selecting a theme for visuals

The subject-matter of a visual is picked up after establishing the objectives of the visual. Once the objective is established make a rough outline of what to present? Collect enough information about the subject and then; 1) sort out the different relevant points, arrange them in a local manner and discard unimportant points 2) spell out these points clearly for the visuals and translate the verbal symbols into pictures. This is visualization. It can be done by a ‘storyboard’ technique. Take a few sheets of paper and divide each sheet into half vertically. On the left hand side of the sheet, write briefly the points you need to bring out in the visuals. For each point of the theme you must have separate sheet. Fill in each sheet according to the number of points you have to illustrate. If you want photographs to be taken or models or other visuals to be made indicate clearly, either on the top of the sheet or at the bottom, as per your requirements.

If necessary take the help of an artist to make rough drawings on the right hand side of the sheet. In this way the ideas are transferred and when these sheets are ready the artist of photographer or both can do the job.

Last modified: Saturday, 3 December 2011, 5:02 AM