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3.3.1. Collection of pituitary gland
Unit 3 - Breeding of major carps
3.3.1. Collection of pituitary gland
Fish pituitary gland can be collected by dissecting and removing a portion of the scalp or through the Foramen magnum.
(1) Dissecting and removing a portion of the scalp
- In this method, the brain case (cranium) is obliquely cut using a butcher’s knife/hand saw/bone cutter and the scalp removed.
- The brain is then exposed by removing grey matter and fatty substance with forceps and cotton.
- The anterior end (optic and olfactory nerves) of the brain is cut and the entire brain is lifted up and laid back, thus exposing the pituitary under a membrane.
- After removing the membrane and the fluid, the pituitary is lifted up by inserting the blunt end of the forceps and carefully transferred to a vial containing a preservative.
Making an oblique cut in the cranium Fatty tissue and grey matter exposed
The brain being exposed The pituitary seen as a small whitish body
The pituitary mounted on to a wrist
(2) Through the Foramen magnum
- Foramen magnum is a large posterior aperture of the skull through which the spinal cord passes.
- The grey matter and fatty substance are first removed with the help of forceps and cotton (they are pulled out posteriorly).
- The brain is then exposed.
- After this, the anterior end (optic and olfactory nerves) of the brain is cut and the entire brain is lifted up and laid back, thus exposing the pituitary.
- After removing the fluid the membrane, the pituitary is lifted up by inserting the blunt end of the forceps and carefully transferred to a vial containing a preservative.
The first method is commonly practiced even though the second method is less time consuming and a large number of glands can be collected within a short time, with a good resale value of the fish.
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 9:28 AM