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3.6.1. Breeding technique
Unit 3 - Breeding of major carps
3.6.1. Breeding technique
- Induced breeding of carps starts with the onset of south-west monsoon, June.
- The male and female brooders are conditioned for a few hours prior to injection.
- Sets of brooders are formed, each consisting of 1 : 2 (female : male) ratio.
- The injected brooders are released in the breeding hapa.
Breeding hapa
- A Breeding hapa is a box-shaped cloth enclosure made of long cloth, generally of size 2 x 1 x 1 m with provision to close its top after releasing brooders.
- The upper flap is attached to one side and the other sides are either tied or buttoned.
- The hapa is fixed in a canal or pond or cement cistern.
The four bottom and four top corners are tied to four poles such that the bottom of the hapa should not touch the ground and one-third of the hapa remain above the water level.
Nylon breeding hapas
Last modified: Thursday, 9 June 2011, 10:50 AM