

The monosaccharides formed from carbohydrate digestion the liver. They are used for energy or stored, depending upon the body’s need. Galactose and fructose are converted into glucose in the liver.

Metabolic pathways of glucose are as follows

1. Coversion into Glycogen and degradation 

 i) Glycogenesis in which the excess glucose is converted into glycogen as a cellular  storage compound.

 ii) Glycogenolysis involves the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, which provides a glucose supply for glucose-dependent tissues.

2. Oxidative degradation to CO2

i) Glycolysis is the pathway in which the oxidation metabolism of glucose molecules forms ATP and pyruvate.

ii) Citric acid cycle in which pyruvate from glycolysis enters the citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle in aerobic organism or to lactate or alcohol in anaerobic condition and in  anaerobic organisms.

3. Gluconeogenesis which is involved in the synthesis of glucose molecules from simple other compounds such as fatty acid or amino acid.

Last modified: Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 5:40 AM