Step 2. Action of glucan transferase Step 2. Action of glucan transferase

Another enzyme ( α -[1-4 ] α -[1-4 ] glucan transferase ) transfers a trisaccharide unit from one branch to the other, exposing the 1-6 branch point. The 1-6 linked glucose is hydrolysed by amylo 1-6 glucosidase. Then the action of phosphorylase can proceed. The combined action of phosphorylase and these other enzymes leads to the complete breakdown of glycogen.

THe glucose 6-phophate can be formed from glucose 1- phosphate by the action of phosphoglucomutase. In liver and kidney, glucose-6- phosphatase, coverts glucose 6- phosphate, to glucose enabling glucose to diffuse from the cell into the blood. This is the final step in hepatic glycogenolysis, which is reflected by an increase in the blood glucose.

Last modified: Tuesday, 28 February 2012, 10:18 AM