Synchronous hermaphroditism Synchronous hermaphroditism

  • Both male and female states co-exist functionally, and both eggs and spermatozoa mature at the same time.
  • Occasionally found among modern teleost fishes, particularly in family, serranidae, cyprinodontidae, Rivulus marmoratus.
  • This is the most uncommon form of hermaphroditism.
  • Rivulus marmoratus is native to parts of South Eastern United States and Cuba.
  • Its hermaphrodite nature was demonstrated by Harrington (1961) who described the gonad as containing mature ova and spermatozoa.
  • Self fertilization is possible in this species. Self fertilization is the highest natural form of inbreeding and if a species reproduced by this means over a number of generations it would become homozygous at many if not all loci.
Last modified: Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 6:54 AM