5.1.2 Definition of Motivation

5.1.2 Definition of Motivation

Motivation has been defined as

1. A desire or need which directs and energizes behavior that is oriented towards a goal.

2. The influence of the needs and desires on the intensity of behavior and direction it will follow.

3. The arousal, direction, as well as persistence of one’s behavior.

According to the various definitions there are varied sources of motivation,

such as

1) Behavioral : This is either to obtain desirable and pleasant consequences or to avoid undesirable and unpleasant consequences
2) Social : This is related to the need to be a part of a group
3) Biological : This is related to the need to fulfill all biological needs such as hunger, thirst, satisfying the senses, etc.
4) Cognitive : This is to satisfy the various intellectual needs
5) Affective : This relates to the emotional needs
6) Conative : This pertains to achieving personal goals and do away with any threats that come in the way of achieving goals
7) Spiritual : This relates to the goal of self-realization

Last modified: Friday, 15 June 2012, 5:50 AM