- Pineapple is mainly propagated by vegetative methods viz., suckers, slips, crowns and stumps, among these suckers and slips and crowns are the three important parts used as planting. The suckers arise from the axils of the leaves below the ground level and come to flowering early (15-18 months) and the slips formed on the fruit stalk below the fruit are usually preferred for planting (15-18 months and 20-22 months after planting respectively, than the crowns (24 months). About 250-500 gm of suckers 250-450g slips and 40-45cm crowns are selected for planting. In some localities, butts- the stems of the plants already flowered, which are trimmed of roots, leaves and the peduncle are also used.
- The planting materials should be treated with mercurial fungicide. The planting materials should not be stored more than 14 days; Suckers production can be enhanced by giving additional Nitrogenous fertilizers and more water, in recent years micro propagated plants are also available.
Last modified: Friday, 18 May 2012, 6:29 AM