

    • Planting is done during kharif season, before planting suckers or slips should be sun-cured, dry leaves and scales at the base should be removed basal end of planting materials should be dipped in 0.4 per cent difolton and 0.05 per cent ekalux to avoid fungal & mealy bugs infestation. The suckers or slips are planted in 10-15cm deep holes, while planting, the growing part should not be buried. Planting may be done in single or double row systems.
    • In single row system we can accommodate about 15,000 -20,000 plants/ha – yields about 20t/ha
    • In double row system (25x35x90cm) High Density Planting (HDP) is adopted in almost all pineapple growing region of India, we can accommodate about 64000 plants and gives about 100-120t/ha of fruit yield.

Last modified: Friday, 18 May 2012, 6:30 AM