Uses and Composition

Uses and Composition

    • Litchi, is commonly consumed as a table fruit, but in China it is very popular in dried (litchi nut) or canned, which is famous among Chinese foods.
    • A highly flavored squash is also prepared from the fruits.
    • The Chinese use the leaves for making poultice; the seeds are used for treating skin disorders.
    • Flowers, bark and roots decoction are used for gargling of throat infection.
    • The fruits are rich in sugars (10-22 per cent), acid (0.2-0.6 per cent), protein- 0.7 per cent, fat-0.3 per cent minerals -0.7 per cent, TSS-20-30 per cent vit-C-64mg/100g, pectin-0.4 per cent etc.

Last modified: Sunday, 20 May 2012, 5:23 AM