Training, Pruning and Flowering

Training, Pruning and Flowering

    Training & Pruning
    • Modified central leader system of training is followed and pruning is not done in litchi, except removing dried, diseased and criss crossed branches.
    • The grafted or layered litchi tree comes to bearing in 3-4 years, while the seedlings take 8-12 years to flower.
    • Flowering starts from Jan-Feb and fruits ripen in April & May.
    • Temperature has direct relation on flowering, night temperature of 15-160C for 2 months is essential to induce flowering and for vegetative growth the ideal temperature is 300C.
    • Flowers are terminal and appear on current season wood.
    • Fruit set is very low and flower drop is also common due to water stress, Fruit drop occurs 4 week s after fruits set which may be due to failure of fertilization, embryo abortion, high temperature and low humidity.
    • To control fruit drop NAA at 20-30ppm, GA3 at 20-50ppm or 2-4-D-20ppm, to be applied before flower opening.
    • Apart from this girdling and centering also increases flowering.

Last modified: Sunday, 20 May 2012, 5:50 AM