Run off water harvesting and recycling techniques

Run off water harvesting and recycling techniques

    In India, about 70% of cultivated area is under rainfed 12 % arid & 48 % semiarid (60 %).
    For successful dry land/arid horticulture, besides planting, adoption of proper soil and water conservation techniques is of prime importance following techniques are adopted.
    • Fall ploughing of land prior to onset of monsoon ploughing of land across the slope prior to onset of monsoon specially during summer helps in better infiltration of rainwater, conservation of moisture and also in reducing the intensity of weeds.
    • Formation of bunds/terraces: In order to conserve top soil, reduce run off of water and help in conservation of moisture, bunds/terraces may be formed across the slope depending upon the gradient. This may be done before taking up planting or even in the existing plantations if the lands are sloppy. The terraces check the runoff water within the block/terrace, thus helping in better infiltration and conservation of water. On steep & undulating slopes, formation of crescent bunds at the lower side of pit-half moon shaped bund formation towards the slope.
    • Opening of catch pits: Opening of catch or soak pits of size (1.5m length, 1.0m width and 1.0m depth) wherever land is sloppy and gully formation occurs, has been found to help in better conservation of soil and moisture resulting in better growth & establishment of the plants. After filling the pits with organic matter are removed and applied to the plants after monsoon.
    • Formation of farm ponds and re-cycling: Formation of farm ponds for collection of excess rain water (monsoon) and subsequent re-cycling (summer) has been found to be a suitable technique in most of the dryland areas.
    • Preparation of wider basins: Immediately after the onset of first shower, preparation of wide basins, would help not only better harvesting of the rain water but also in better infiltration of rain water, conservation of moisture.
    • Providing mulch and shade: Mulching (5 cm thickness around the plant) with locally available materials like dry leaves, grasses black polythene film etc., will not only help in conservation of moisture and suppressing weeds but will also minimize soil erosion. Providing shade during summer in the initial years will also help in minimizing the mortality of plants under rainfed conditions.
    • Timely plantingPlanting during monsoon by taking the advantage of rainfall is advisable.
    • Selection of grafted plants for planting.
    • Planting of trees along the contours/trenches/terraces.
    • Raising wind breaks around the borders of plantation with fast growing species like casuarinas, silveroak etc. will help in creating suitable micro climate for growth of crops inside the farm.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 4:53 AM