Planting techniques in Arid/dry land orcharding

Planting techniques in Arid/dry land orcharding

    I. Selection of crops: Selection of suitable horticultural crops depends upon different agro-climatic conditions – In Karnataka – 3 catagories of areas are prevailing.
    • Maidan- The crops are Jack, Tamarind, annona, ber, Jamun, wood apple Amla, Fig, Phalsa etc.,
    • Malnad – Early varieties of ramphal, sitaphal, Jamun, Jack etc.
    • Coastal – Early varieties of Karonda, Jamun, Jack, bread fruit, butter fruit, Cashew, apple etc.
    II. Wind breaks: like casuarinas, Silver oak help in demarcating the boundaries & also provides timber.
    III. System of planting: Depending upon the level and slope of the land system of planting – Square, triangular, rectangular or contour systems of planting could be adopted.
    IV. Planting of rootstocks & in-site grafting: In rainfed areas it is always desirable to plant seedlings and to takeup in situation grafting in subsequent season, helps in better establishment.
    The unexploited fruit plants for watershed areas are – Tamarind, ber, karonda, pomegranate, Jamun, Jack, Aonla, Fig, Phalsa, Wood apple, Custard apple etc.

Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 4:56 AM