Seasons and Seed rate

Seasons and Seed rate

    Seed sowing in the plains is done thrice during the year.
                      1) For rainy-autumn crop: The seeds are sown in the month of June and July.
                      2) For autumn-winter crop: Seeds are sown in the month of Sep-Oct.
                      3) For spring-summer crop: Seeds are sown in the month of Jan-Feb.
  • In hills the seeds sowing depend upon the elevation of the place. On lower hills, seeds are sown at Feb-March while on the higher hills in the months of March and April.
    Seed rate
  • The seed rate depends upon the germination percentage of seed. Normally 300-400 g and 100-150 g seeds for open pollinated varieties and hybrids respectively are required for planting one hectare land.
Last modified: Tuesday, 28 February 2012, 4:32 AM