Other Intercultural practices

Other Intercultural practices

  • Mulches are used to increase or reduce the temperatures suppress weed growth and conserves soil moisture. Organic mulches like straw can reduce the soil temperature during summer season however, plastics are used to increase the soil temperature during winter season for maintaining the optimum temperature which is required for good growth, flowering, fruiting and quality of tomato.
  • Pruning and training is followed in indeterminate tomato varieties. Pruning is the removal of unwanted growth of plants, improves the size, shape and other qualities of fruits. Pruning breaks the apical dominance, eliminates the crown set and enhances the plant vigour. Apart from pruning in indeterminate tomato, early and total yield and quality are increased to greater extent by training. The plants are trained with wires, strings or stacks.


Last modified: Tuesday, 28 February 2012, 5:25 AM