Harvesting and yield
In indeterminate cultivars, fruit are harvested in 70-100 days after planting. In determinate cultivar fruits are harvested at 70 days depending upon the environmental condition. According to the use of fruits they are harvested in following stages.
Green stage:
About a fortnight before turning (Development of a trace of redness at the stylar end of the fruit), the fruits will develop normal colour of the vine though they are still green yet they may be fully developed. These fruits are picked and sent to distant markets.
Pink stage:
At this stage, pink colour on the fruits varies from the trace at the bottom end to a considerable extent covering the surface. Though at this stage most of the fruits are red, yet they are not fully ripe. They are picked for local markets.
Ripe stage:
At this stage the surface of most of the fruits is red and softening of the fruits begins. They may be picked for home or table use.
Full ripe stage:
At this stage the fruits have maximum colour development and may feel soft to touch. They are ordinarily used within 24 hours of picking and are consumed or used for canning and pickling.
Fruits are normally picked at an interval of 4-5 days in summer whereas for winter crop picking should be at weekly interval. The yield varies greatly according to varieties or season. On an average yield of open pollinated varieties ranges from 20-25 t/ha. Hybrid varieties may yield up to 50t/ha or more under normal conditions.
Last modified: Tuesday, 28 February 2012, 5:36 AM