Module 1: Fundamentals of refrigeration

Lesson 1. Basic refrigeration cycle and concepts, standard rating of refrigerating machines
Lesson 2. Elementary vapour compression refrigeration cycle
Lesson 3. Representation of Vapour compression Refrigeration cycle on P-V, T- ф and P-H diagrams, Use of refrigerant properties tables and P-H (Mollior) charts.
Lesson 4. Theoretical and actual cycle, performance of refrigeration cycle.
Lesson 5. Effect of change of operation conditions on the working of vapour compression refrigeration plant.
Lesson 6. Mathematical analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system
Lesson 7. Elementary Numericals on refrigeration

Module 2
: Refrigerants

Lesson 8. Definition of refrigerant, Classification of refrigerants
Lesson 9. Properties of refrigerants and comparison

Module 3
: Refrigeration plant components

Lesson 10. Reciprocation Compressor- construction, working and maintenance
Lesson 11. Rotary, centrifugal compressors and screw Compressor
Lesson 12. Condenser: Types, construction, working and maintenance
Lesson 13. Cooling towers and spray ponds-Types, construction, working and maintenance
Lesson 14. Receiver, expansion valves and Evaporators

Module 4
: Refrigeration plant controls

Lesson 15. Temperature and Safety controls: Thermostat, HP and LP cut out, Overload Protector
Lesson 16. Defrosting, Refrigeration Piping and balancing of different components of the system.

Module 5
: Multi-evaporator and compressor systems

Lesson 17. Importance of Multiple evaporator and compressor systems, Multi evaporator and one compressor systems.
Lesson 18. Dual compression and Individual compressors systems, compound compression.
Lesson 19. Comparison of Compound Compression with single compressor system.
Lesson 20. Working and mathematical analysis of above systems
Lesson 21. Numericals on multi-evaporation and compression systems

Module 6
: Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System

Lesson 22. Simple Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
Lesson 23. Practical Vapour Absorption Refrigeration System
Lesson 24. Refrigerant absorbent combinations and absorption cycle analysis.

Module 7
: Psychrometry

Lesson 25. Definition, properties of air vapour mixtures
Lesson 26. Psychrometric chart and its application
Lesson 27. Psychrometric processes-Sensible Heating, Sensible Cooling, Humidification, dehumidification and Mixing of Air
Lesson 28. Humidity measurement, Dehumidifiers, Humidity control
Lesson 29. Air conditioning systems and numerical

Module 8
: Cooling load calculations and Cold storage Design

Lesson 30. Cooling Load Calculations
Lesson 31. Cold Storage Design: Types of cold storage and types of loads
Lesson 32. Construction of cold storage, insulating materials and vapour barriers

Last modified: Thursday, 11 October 2012, 9:28 AM