Bacterial leaf spot

Bacterial leaf spot

    Causal Organism : Pseudomonas viticola Patel et al.
    The spots on the leaves are dark brown . Sometimes they coalesce to form larger spots.
    • Vein infection is also common. Petioles and stems show elongated cankers.
    • The infected leaves after drying are firmly attached to the stem. These leaves crumpled very easily.
    • The bacterium is non- capsulated, gram negative and lophotrichous.
    • Old, dry leaves attached to the grapevines and the stem cankers act as primary sources of inoculum.
    • The bacterium infects neem and Phyllanthus maderaspatensis.
    • Rain water disseminates the bacterium. The disease is severe during rainy season.

Last modified: Friday, 23 December 2011, 6:07 AM