The Indian initiative

The Indian initiative

    • The export of organic spices from India has started in right earnest. The country at present exports around 50 tonnes of different varieties of organic spices. These exports will get a significant boost in the coming years as more farmers are switching to organic methods.
    • The Spices Board, India, has prepared a document on the production of organic species. It features the organic concepts, principles, basic standards, production guidelines, documentation, inspection and certification. The document has been published after approval by the National Standards Committee constituted by the members of IFOAM in India.
    • Research programmes on the organic cultivation of important spices have commenced. The work is being carried out at the Spices Board's Indian Cardamom Research Institute at Idukki District in Kerala. Besides organising demonstrations to educate and motivate prospective organic spice growers, the Board is simultaneously involved in conducting training programmes for existing spice growers, on organic principles and practices.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 1:38 PM