Classification based on economic importance

Classification based on economic importance

    On the basis of economic importance of the spices grown in India they can be grouped into two viz, major and minor spices.
    I. Major spices
    • The spices which contribute major share in the spice trade industry of the world are called major spices.
    • The spices come under this group are small cardamom, black pepper, chilli, turmeric and ginger.
    • These spices contribute about 75-90% of the total foreign exchange earned through spices.
    II. Minor spices
    • Excluding all these five major spices, all other are called minor spices. Minor spices are further divided into five sub groups. They are mentioned hereunder:
    a. Seed spices
    • Coriander, cumin, black cumin, fennel, aniseed, celery, mustard, poppy and caraway.
    b. Bulbous spices
    • Garlic, onion, leek and shallot
    c. Aromatic spices
    • Clove, cinnamon, allspice, aniseed and nutmeg
    d. Leafy spices
    • Curryleaf, mint, rosemary, bayleaf, and parsley.
    e. Acidulant tree spices
    • Tamarind, kokam and anardana

Last modified: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 1:53 PM