The variations in motor skills in late childhood could be due to following factors
Age: Older children have more strength, agility and balance than younger children. Motor skills will be improved with age. For ex: a 6 year old child can throw a ball from 10 feet where as a 11 year child can throw from 30 feet.
Practice and exercise: Considerable practice is needed to master these tasks that require high level of eye hand coordination. Mobility and speed of reaction, balance, speed, strength and coordination seem to improve with time and practice.
Biological factors like gender: Boys have more upper body strength than girls. They can throw faster and accurately than girls. Girls are more flexible in their hip joints and so they may be more agile than boys.
Socio economic status: Better the socio economic conditions better the motor skills due to better opportunities.
Good health: better the health better the growth and development. If the children frequently suffer with health problems or sickness they may not attain motor skills of that time as they are kept away from their daily routines and practice.
Accidents and Injuries: they also cause delay in motor abilities.
Physical impairment: Blind children are slower to develop motor skills – walking, climbing or manipulating objects. Physical impaired children have poor balance and equilibrium.