Conventional Level

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 6 : Moral development during late childhood

Conventional Level

At this level, an individual strives to win praise and recognition for good conduct and for maintaining social order. Moral values reside in performing right roles in maintaining the conventional order and expectation of others.

Stage – III Interpersonal orientation
Stage – IV Social- Order-Maintenance Orientation.

Stage III – It begins to appear in early adolescence i.e.13-14 years. They believe that doing right is what pleases other people. Individuals are motivated to be seen by others as being nice and good. Individuals show more awareness of concern for others’ feelings and expectations than that of the earlier stages. The child sees good behaviour is a necessary intent of child’s actions as it elicits approval of others.

In IV stage the child becomes oriented towards authority and rules, maintenance of rules and respect for authority becomes one’s duty. Rules maintain the social order and that social system will break down if people do not follow rules. Doing good involves following through on what you agree to do, for the good of the larger system.

Other characteristics of this level are that the child becomes

  • Aware of intentions and personal differences that should be considered when judging actions.
  • Concerned about the way in which actions and responses damage relationships between persons and groups.
  • See all laws having as equal importance.
Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 10:49 AM