The preparation and service of food requires handling of material which are extremely vulnerable to becoming the media of contamination there by leading to the spread of infectious diseases. In catering there fore hygiene and sanitation play a vital role in promoting and protecting the health and well being of the people in large number.
In order to practice proper sanitation, it is important to build it into the catering environment right from the point where the site for a food service is being examined, through the designing stage of the kitchen, service, storage and disposal areas, to the establishment of procedures for ensuring good food handling practices throughout the meal production and service process.
Hygiene in catering refers to general cleanliness of environment &the people in the work, while sanitation involves activities which helps to bring about healthy & hygiene conditions which would not cause infection &disease, Maintenance of hygiene must become obsession.
The preparation and service of food requires handling of material which are vulnerable to contamination thereby leading to infection &disease. So hygiene play a vital role in promoting the well being of people and sale of food.