Need for food laws

Food Standard and Quality Control

Lesson 01 : Food Quality

Need for food laws

  • To protect the population from persons who sells to the purchaser any food which is not of the desired or expected nature or is not of the substance, or is not of the quality of the food demanded by the purchaser.
  • To achieve through appropriate food control measures based on well- defined food regulations covering quality and safety of foods and its honest presentation to the consumer.
  • To help implement various controls throughout production, handling, processing and marketing which leads to improved food quality and safety, increased competitiveness; and, reduction in the cost of production and wastage.
  • To meet a country’s sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, foods must comply with the local laws and regulations to gain market access. These laws ensure the safety and suitability of foods for consumers. In some countries; these also govern food quality and composition standards.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 7:26 AM