Buyer’s Social Environment (Group Influence)

Marketing Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 08: Marketing Process

Buyer’s Social Environment (Group Influence)

  • The buyer living in a society is influenced by it and in turn influences its course of development.
  • As member of several organisations and groups -interactions leave some imprint on the buyer which is reflected in his behaviour to buying
    1. Influence of intimate group
    2. Influence of the broad social class
  1. Influence of intimate group

    • The intimate groups include family, friends, close colleagues and closely knit organisations. Among these the family and peer groups are most influential people on a consumer. Among the two it can be understood that peer group has the greatest influence regarding the styles and behaviour patterns of the consumer.
    • In any intimate group, there is an informal group leader. The decision of man and matters, facts and fashions is respected by the group. He becomes the innovator.
    • Marketers reach these leaders first through advertisements and other means of communication as the leaders are accepted and group people follow him.

  2. Influence of the Broad Social Class

    • Structurally, the social class is larger group than the intimate groups.
    • The social class is decided by income, occupation, place of residence, etc., of the individual members.
    • A product or a brand that caters to their class norms is generally selected. They shop in the same shopping area and patronize selected shops, which befit their class image.
Last modified: Saturday, 17 December 2011, 6:27 AM