Purpose of Advertisement

Digital Advertising
Lesson 1: Advertising

Purpose of Advertisement

  • It creates demand for a new article by arousing interest of the public.
  • It increase the sales volume of the established articles constantly keeping the selling points afresh in minds of the customer.
  • It educates the general public about new use or uses of a product.
  • It reduces competition.
  • It creates goodwill by continuous reminder to the public about the trademarks.
  • It increases additional sales by encouraging present customers in using the articles more frequently and in increased quantities.
  • It facilitates the job of the salesman and dealers by introducing the products to the public.
  • It reduces prices as the production volume increases, which in turn reduces the overhead expenses.
  • It ensures better quality of goods thereby enhancing its appeal to the customer.
  • It increases the employment because production increases.
Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 6:36 AM