
Digital Advertising
Lesson 1: Advertising

Role of advertising

Advertising is an integral part of socio - economic system of a country. Since it affects consumption, guides production, enhances exchange and dictates the distribution, its role can be analyzed from the angles of manufacturers, middlemen, consumers in particular and society in general.

  1. Benefits to manufacturers

    a. It increases and stabilizes sales turnover.

    b. It maintains the existing markets and explores the new.

    c. It controls the product prices.

  2. Benefits to Middlemen

    a. It guarantees quick sales.

    b. It acts as a salesman.

    c. It makes retail price maintenance possible.

  3. Benefits to salesmen

    a. It creates a colorful background.

    b. It reduces his burden of job.

    c. It instills self-confidence and initiative in the sales force.

  4. Benefits to the consumer

    a. It acts as a driving force in decision making.

    b. It ensures better quality products at reasonable prices.

    c. It saves a good deal of time.

  5. Benefits to society

    a. It uplifts the living standards.

    b. It generates gainful employment opportunities.

    c. It provides new horizons of knowledge.

    d. It upholds the culture of a nation.

Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 6:39 AM