
Digital Advertising
Lesson 3: Elements of Digital Advertising

Message content

In determining best message content, management searches for an appeal, theme, idea or unique selling proposition. Basically there are three appeals.

  • Rational appeals: Appeal to the audience’s self interest. They show that the product will produce the claimed benefit. Messages regarding product’s quality, economy, value or performance are shown in the advertisement.
  • Emotional appeals: Attempts to stir up negative or positive emotions that will motivate to purchase. Fear appeals are effective up to a point, but they work best when they are not too strong.
  • Moral appeals: are directed to the audience’s sense of what is right and proper. They are often used to encourage people to support social causes, such as cleaner environment, better race relations, equal rights for women, aid to the physically challenged etc.

Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 6:51 AM