Product means goods or services or ‘anything of value’, which is offered to the market for exchange. For example, Hindustan Lever company offers number of consumer products like toiletries (Close-Up Toothpaste, Lifebuoy Soap, etc.), detergent powder (Surf, Wheel), food products (Refined Vegetable Oil); Tata offers Tata Steel, Trucks, Salt and a large number of other products; LG Electronics Offers Televisions,
Refrigerators, Colour Monitors for Computers, etc; Amul offers number of food products (Amul Milk, Ghee, Butter, Cheese, Chocolates, etc.). The concept of product relates to not only the physical product as mentioned in the above examples but also the benefits offered by it from customer’s view point (for example toothpaste is bought for whitening teeth, strengthening gums, etc.). The concept of product also include the extended product or what is offered to the customers by way of after sales services, handling complaints, availability of spare parts etc.