The health of women is linked to their status in the society. The lower socio economic status of women has found expression in various forms, such as female infanticide, higher death rate as compared to men, lower sex ratio – in India the sex ratio is 940 women per 1000 men, (Census, 2011) low literacy level in females,(65.4%)(Census, 2011) and lower level of employment of women in the non-agricultural sector as compared to men. Generally, at household level, cultural norms and practices and socio-economic factors determine the extent of nutritional status among women.
The literacy level of women can affect reproductive behavior, use of contraceptives, health and upbringing of children, proper hygienic practices, access to employment and overall status of women in the society. In India states like Kerala which have a high literacy rate among women also have a lower IMR and better health status of women and children.
An early marriage and child-birth is a major determinant of women’s health and is also responsible for the prevailing wide variation in the socio-economic status. Inadequate and improper utilization of health facilities and wide spread anemia among all the reproductive age women, leading to high maternal mortality (540 maternal deaths per one lakh live births) (NFHS 2).