Artificial Feeding
Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)
Artificial Feeding
Circumstances Under Which Artificial Feeding is Essential are:
- Mother suffering from serious illness.
- Another pregnancy intervenes during lactation.
- Child is too weak to nurse or cannot because of harelip or cleft palate.
- Breast milk has completely stopped or insufficient for child.
- Mother is not available to feed.
- If mother is on anticoagulants, steroids and radioactive drugs.
- Death of mother.
Feeding Problems
- Tooth decay (fig)
- Under feeding
- Diahorrea
- Constipation
- Colic
- Contamination/improper sterilization of bottles etc.
Advantages of bottle feeding
- Creates no additional requirements in mother
- No problems in establishing milk supply
- Volume of milk given is visible
- Feeding in public is acceptable.
- Creates no problem for working mothers
- It will be nutritionally adequate, provided correct amount is given
- Other members of family also can feed the baby
Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 9:36 AM