
Nutrition for Special Groups 3(3+0)


  • The pressure of the enlarging uterus on the lower portion of the intestine, in addition to the hormonal muscle relaxant effect of placental hormones on the gastrointestinal tract and physical inactivity may make excretion of feces difficult, resulting in constipation.
  • Increased fluid intake and use of natural laxative foods such as whole grains, dried fruits and other fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, and fruit juices usally induce regularity of bowels.
  • Laxatives should be avoided. Regular habits of exercise and sleep are essential for proper elimination.

Constipation is common in 2nd half of pregnancy due to

  • Pressure exerted by growing fetus on digestive tract
  • Decreased muscle tone of gastro intestinal Tract
  • Limited exercise
  • Insufficient dietary bulk and
  • Iron supplementation
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 7:08 AM