
Lesson 14:Training for HRD in Home Science


Approach to training for HRD of extension personnel in general, and H.Sc in particular is as follows.

There are mainly three models of training. These are: i) discrete phases or traditional model, ii) interdependent and interrelated process model and iii) system model.

The Discrete Phases Model is most frequently used training model consists of five discrete phases connected sequentially; assessment, objective setting, design, implementation and evaluation. Each phase stands independently of the other phases. It has several limitations

  • Needs assessment data are prematurely organized and stated as training needs which results in;
  • Objectives stated in very general and immeasurable terms and not closely related to the real training needs which leads to;
  • Programmes designed and implemented which are only slightly related to the real training needs or “real life” circumstances faced by trainees.

In general, this model of training leads to increasingly more general and less precise training efforts.

The Interdependent and Interrelated Process Model is used in which the five phases form sub processes which are highly interrelated and interdependent on all other sub processes as well as on the total process.

The Systems Model is a problem-solving process that places the diagnosis of needs before the presentation of methods required to achieve the needs. It is a discipline that requires those responsible for designing and providing the training that people need to carry out a series of interdependent steps in a logical sequence. The detail of this model is as follows.

The System Model consists of a number of subsystems which are interdependent.
The System model is a diagnostic approach. It diagnoses the performance problem.
It prescribes remedy only after a careful diagnosis of the problem.

It develops the training systems in five distinct and sequential phases of development. For developing a training system model, each phase is described here briefly.

  1. Phase - I
  2. Phase II
  3. Phase III
  4. Phase IV
  5. Phase V
Last modified: Saturday, 22 October 2011, 6:56 AM