Parking Space

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 8:Specialised Facilities for commercial buildings

Parking Space

A “parking space” shall be defined as space exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, loading areas, office or work areas within a building or open parking space for the parking of one automobile. Such parking space shall comply with all city standard details.

Parking Requirements

  1. The parking area is the first - and the last - part of a building complex to be viewed by the user. It is the gateway through which all customers, visitors, and employees pass. This first impression is very important to the overall feeling and atmosphere conveyed to the user.
  2. Changes in the vehicle size have changed the parking space dimensions necessary to accommodate large cars and small cars. These vehicle changes have also reduced the aisle width requirements to access a parking stall. Large cars typically need approximately 9 feet of stall width to provide sufficient door opening width, and small cars need approximately 8 feet of stall width
  3. For General buildings or structures other than dwellings and for uses involving large concentrations of people, there shall be at least one parking space on the same lot with the main building or on lots immediately contiguous thereto and available for use by the occupants, unless otherwise provided by a reciprocal parking agreement for off-site parking in the following ratios for specific types of use
  4. Circulation systems shall be designed to avoid conflicts between vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian circulation shall take precedence over vehicular circulation
  5. Handicapped accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance. Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, the accessible parking spaces must be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.
  6. Each accessible parking space must be at least 96 inches (8 feet) wide and shall have an adjacent access aisle. Van-accessible parking spaces must have a 96-inch (8 feet) wide access aisle adjacent to the parking space, and standard vehicle accessible parking spaces must have a 60-inch (5 feet) wide access aisle adjacent to the parking space. The accessible path of travel from the parking space to the building must start from the access aisle (note wide arrows). Access aisles are to be kept clear of all obstructions at all times
  7. The parking lot design objective is to maximize the total number of parking spaces in the space available with the following considerations: The parking layout should provide continuous flow of traffic through the lot; The design should allow safe movement of pedestrians from parking to buildings; The design should allow for appropriate landscaping of the parking areas without conflicting with site lighting.
  8. The safety and efficiency of a street depends on the amount and character of interference affecting vehicles moving along it. Significant interference is caused on most roads by vehicles entering, leaving, or crossing at intersecting streets and driveways. In order to minimize accidents and to assure best overall use of the road by the general public, it is necessary to regulate vehicle movements in and out of abutting developments and cross streets and ensure adequate parking space.
Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 10:19 AM