
Fundamentals of Art and Design 3(1+2)

Lesson 06 :Furniture


Use of metal for furniture is gaining new heights of popularity. Wrought iron furniture - beds, garden table and chairs, dining tables with glass tops are now popular. Along with wrought iron - plain or enameled, brass, steel, copper and aluminium are also being used by furniture designers. The metal furniture can give a beautiful look if the design is an original one.

Metal furniture is strong, durable, can withstand weather conditions, and is therefore suitable for indoor and outdoor use (Fig 6.18). Moreover, mass production has not only reduced the cost but also made it an eco-friendly option. Steel and aluminium with enamel finish or chromium plating is well known in kitchens, bathroom cabinets, chairs and tables. Low stools made up of brass/ copper were popular in Indian traditional furniture.


Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 6:59 AM