

Lesson 05:Art Elements And Principles Of landscape Design


Balance in garden design

  • Balance implies stability.
  • Balance refers to the illusion of equilibrium around a vertical axis. If may be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
  • Balance is achieved by symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangements by the coordination of mass distance and space.
  • Balance in design is illusionary.
  • In the symmetrical or formal balance both sides of the vertical axis have similar or similarly placed objects of attraction
  • In asymmetrical balance, the objects may not be the same or similarly placed on either side of the vertical axis, but the sums of all attractions on both sides of the vertical axis are equal.
  • Formal landscape design can be created by using symmetrical balance.
  • Informal landscape design can be created by using asymmetrical balance.
  • The number of variety of plant materials to be used should be in balance.
  • Overcrowding of plants must be avoided.
  • A garden with only a few varieties of plants can be far more attractive than one containing several different kinds.
  • In a small garden only a few varieties should be planted at appropriate sites so that their beauty can be spot –lighted.
  • In making the balance with the plants, their form, colour and texture are kept in view.
  • Asymmetrical or informal balance creates the same amount of interest on both sides of the outdoor room, but does not create an exact duplication of elements.
  • A tree on one side is balanced by planting a group of shrubs on the other side
Last modified: Saturday, 10 December 2011, 6:23 AM