In One-point perspective the picture plane is parallel to two axes of a rectilinear view. If one axis is parallel with the picture plane, then all elements either horizontally or vertically or perpendicular to it. All elements that are parallel to the picture plane are drawn as parallel lines. All elements that are perpendicular to the picture plane converge at a single point (a vanishing point) on the horizon. One-point perspective relies on the premise that all parallel receding lines converge at one point along a horizon line. Lines that do not recede will be drawn as either horizontal or vertical lines. The one-point perspective has one surface parallel with the viewer. The receding sides extend to a single vanishing point. One point perspectives are frequently used for drawings of interiors. (Figure – 11)
One vanishing point is typically used for objects or buildings viewed so that the front is directly facing the viewer. Any objects that are made up of lines either directly parallel with the viewer's line of sight or directly perpendicular can be represented with one-point perspective.
One-point perspective exists when the picture plane is parallel to two axes of a rectilinear (or Cartesian) scene — a scene which is composed entirely of linear elements that intersect only at right angles. If one axis is parallel with the picture plane, then all elements are either parallel to the picture plane (either horizontally or vertically) or perpendicular to it. All elements that are parallel to the painting plate are drawn as parallel lines. All elements that are perpendicular to the painting plate converge at a single point (a vanishing point) on the horizon.(Figure – 12)