Graphic symbols are used in construction drawings as a method to convey information within the set. As it is impossible to provide all the information on one page, several pages make up a set. Each page provides different information about the project. The graphic marks are used as a reference to the information, such elevations, section and details, which appear on various pages within the set.
For example, elevation graphics are used on a floor plan to indicate which walls are shown as elevations. A detail mark, which is a circle around an area of a drawing with an extension to a number, indicates that this area has been drawn to a larger scale to provide specific details.
In order for this system of symbols to work, each drawing page within the set has its’ own sheet number. The graphic mark is a combination of numbers. The number for the individual drawing as well as the page or sheet number on which the specific drawing appears. Details and drawing pages may be referenced many times throughout a set of construction drawings. This system is explained further under each heading below. Architectural drawings are intended to communicate design intentions in a clear manner. This can be best presented with graphic symbols and written forms. Industry standards have been developed to provide a universal language of graphic symbols and written forms for different design companies and building professions. Typical drafting standards and symbols are described below.
Last modified: Thursday, 20 October 2011, 10:14 AM