Hybrids of chicken


  • These are incrossbreds of poultry, produced by 2-way, 3-way or 4-way crossing of inbred pure lines.
  • They are the actual commercial-type of poultry used for egg or meat production; since they are high laying/fast growing. However, they will not breed-true and are unfit for further breeding.
  • These birds possess high degree of heterosis and hybrid vigour.

1. Common egg-type hybrid chicken

  • BV-300, ISA, Babcock, Bovans, Euribrid, Hyline, HH-260, Dekalb, Keystone, Lohmann and H & N Nick chick.

2. Common Meat-type hybrid chicken

  • Cobb, Ross, Steggles, Arbor acres, Hub chicks, Hybro, Hubbard, Lohmann, Pilch, Starbro, Tegel, Anak-2000, Marshall, Peterson, Samrat-2000 and Avian-34.
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 5:19 AM