Single and pea comb


Single comb

  • This is a comb when viewed from the front is narrow and has spikes on the top, one behind other.
  • It consists of a blade which is the lower solid portion.
  • The space between the spikes are known as serrations. The serrations and spikes are definite in size and shape in different breeds.
  • White Leghorn has five or six spikes. Rhode Island Red has six spikes. The number of spikes on the comb depends on the action of the modifying genotype. (e.g.) White Leghorn, White Rock.


Rose Comb

  • This comb is nearly flat on the top and is covered with small irregular points finished with spikes. It varies in length and the length of carriage varies according to the breed. The modifying genes determine the size and number of rounded points on the comb as well as the length and direction of the spikes. (e.g.) Rose combed Leghorn, Wyandotte.


Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:05 AM