Meat type breeds


Pekin - These ducks originated in China

  • White Pekin is the most popular duck.The plumage is creamy white, the flesh is yellow and the bill and legs are deep orange
  • The adult body weight of drake and duck will be 4 kg and 3 kg
  • Early maturity, fleshing and good laying capacity are the special features of this breed

Aylesbury -Native of England

  • The plumage colour is spotless white in both the sexes. The legs and feet are orange. It is larger than pekin and the adult drake and duck weigh around 4.5 kg and 4 kg, respectively

Rouen ducks - Originated in France. This formed the basis (male line) for developing Campbell ducks

Muscovy - Originated in South America. The males have no characteristic drake feathers. However, have a knob on the head like a crest. If Muscovy is crossed with other ducks, the progeny will be “sterile” called Mule ducks having high growth rate and lean meat. The incubation period is 35 days .

The plumage colour is spotless white in both the sexes. The legs and feet are orange. It is larger than pekin and the adult drake and duck weigh around 4.5 kg and 4 kg, respectively

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 5:34 AM