Brooder operation


Brooder Operation - Prior to the arrival of Chicks

  • About 24 hours before the anticipated time of arrival of the chicks, the brooder arrangements are made and kept ready
  • The house is cleaned, white washed and blow lamped
  • Litter materials - Dry litter material such as saw dust, wood shavings, paddy husk etc. is spread to a height of 5 cm and newspaper has to be placed over this to prevent the chicks from consuming litter material
  • Brooder guards  - can be made of metal sheets or even card board. The brooder guards have to be arranged in a circular fashion on litter material with necessary heating arrangements
  • Downtime - The house may be prepared before hand for the purpose and kept vacant for considerable length of time (minimum two weeks downperiod); 225 chicks may be let into brooder arrangement of 150 cm diameter and 300 chicks in 180 cm size brooder guard circle
  • Required number of feeders and waterers are arranged alternate to each other on the newspaper area.
  • The chick linear feeders and chick waterers should be placed alternatively in a radiating way, to give a "cart wheel" appearance
  • Care should be taken to avoid placing them crowded at the centre under the source of heat
  • Keep feeders open for five hours and also spread some feed on the newspaper
  • Two linear feeders of 60 cm size and two chick waterers may be used for every 100 chicks
  • Automatic feeders and waterers may also be used as per manufacturer’s specifications
  • Allow free moving space on the sides of waterers and feeders.
  • Switch on the bulbs 1-2 hours before the arrival of the chicks to keep the environment warm. When chicks are delivered, do not allow the delivery van into the farm premises. Take delivery at the entrance itself.
Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:18 AM