Cage rearing - Layer chicks
Chicks can be reared in cages also from 0-8 weeks
Fix the cages at 75 cm above the floor level
Cages may be of 180 x 90 cm size (6’ x 3’) and 30 cm (1’) height
About 100 chicks may be reared in it with 160 cm2 space per chick. The floor has to be made of 1.25 x 1.25 cm size welded mesh of 16 gauge thickness
One 100 watt bulb is sufficient on the top of the cage for providing heat for first three weeks
For first two weeks, small feeders and waterers have to be kept inside the cage and afterwards they may be fixed outside on the sides of the cage. For first few days, it may be required to keep card boards on the sides of the cages to prevent small young chicks falling down through the sides
Last modified: Wednesday, 11 April 2012, 6:47 AM