Behaviour of chicks


  • As the chicks arrive, check whether the chicks are healthy, of uniform weight
  • Count the chicks, and moist the beak of the chick by dipping it in the water containing vitamins, electrolytes and/or antibiotic and place it gently into the brooder arrangement
  • Check that the chicks move actively scratching and taking feed and water. Return weak, inactive, unhealthy chicks with matted feathers at the back and the dead chicks and ask for replacement

Chick comfort

  • It is necessary to verify whether the warmth given is sufficient to the chicks.A thermometer kept at the bird level will indicate the temperature
  • More practical way of assessing the adequacy of warmth provided is by watching the distribution of the chicks within the brooder guard management
  • If they crowd under or near the source of heat, then the warmth given is not sufficient. Then, a bulb may be added to the hover or the height of the hover may be brought down. If chicks have moved to the periphery and are reluctant to come to the centre under heat source, then temperature in the environment is higher than required. The hover may be pushed up or a bulb removed. If the chicks feel comfortable at the given temperature, they walk actively throughout the area unmindful of the heat provided and some take rest setting their head down on the side, the posture being given the name as “Chick comfort”.
  • Heat source should be placed at the right height at the centre and the temperature has to be checked by observing the chick comfort zone

Newspaper - removed after 3 or 4 days and must be burnt.

Chick or brooder guards - removed after a week or 10 days. The corners of the rooms have to be rounded off and the litter material spread out. As age advances the initial chick feeders and waterers may be replaced with bigger ones to match the growth of the chicks

Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:18 AM