Space requirements - Chicks


  • Floor space allowance during brooder stage is 0.75 sq.ft. (675 cm2) per layer chick
  • Feeder space allowance required is 1.0 cm per bird up to four weeks and 2.5 cm up to eight weeks and 0.5 and 1.0 cm are the space allowances to be given per bird in waterers respectively for those periods
  • Accordingly, the brooder house should be constructed with required space for the number of chicks to be ordered at specified intervals
  • Initially, smaller size feeders and waterers with lesser depth will have to be provided which should be changed to larger size with greater depth after three weeks of age
  • Adjust the height of the feeders and waterers to match the height of the growing birds to avoid wastage
  • Feed and water the birds twice daily at regular intervals
  • Watch the growth of the birds and water and feed consumption regularly
Last modified: Thursday, 9 September 2010, 7:45 AM