Meat hygiene


  • The term meat hygiene is used to denote a wider field than meat inspection.
  • The consumer expects his meat to be derived from animals that are healthy at the time of slaughter, to be slaughtered in a humane method and the handling of meat and meat products in a hygienic manner.
  • The subject deals with the care and transport of dressed carcasses from the slaughterhouse to the wholesale market and then to the consumer in addition to the Meat Inspection carried out in the methodical way within the slaughterhouse.
  • In contrast to the olden day practice, meat is sold not only as fresh meat but also as preserved and prepared forms such as chilled, frozen, canned, smoked meats, sausage, ham-burger, etc.
  • Meat hygiene is not luxury, it starts at the site of production and ends at the table of the consumer i.e., from farm to fork.
  • The consumer as a member of the modern society is entitled for the supply of wholesome meat obtained after paying due regard to all recognized principles of meat hygiene.
  • These principles should be uniform throughout the country to have the total confidence of the consumers.
Last modified: Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 7:14 AM