Milk line


  • It is a part of vacuum system which moves the milk from the claw assembly to milk receptacle and supplier vacuum to teat end.
  • Milk unit (claw assembly - collector assembly)
  • Milking unit assemblies consist of teat cup claw, teat cup shells, teat cup liner (inflations), milk hose, air hose and a pulsator.
    • The claw functions as a point of attachment for 4 teat cups asĀ­semblies and a milk receiver for the milk as it is removed from the teats by liner.
    • The teat cup shells provide a base for the teat cup liner-short air hose.
    • The teat cup liners mainly function to remove the milk from the teat during milking phase of the cycle, as well as to massage the teat during rest phase of the cycle.
    • The functions of milk hose are to move milk from the claw to milk receptacle or pipeline and also to allow air passage from vacuum line or bucket to the claw and teat cup liner. Normally the pipeline milking system is also provided with milk filter.
    • Narrow bore rubber liner (3/4" inside diameter) milks cows better than wide bore liner and is conducive to maintenance of better udder health.
    • Cessation of milk flow and a collapsed pliable udder are the best indicators as to when the udder is milked out as also the time to remove the stripping.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 11:22 AM