Sanitation of milking machine


  • Replace rubber inflations after 1200-1500 individual milkings to a maximum of 2500 milkings to avoid eventual poor teat massage, and slow milking due to accumulation of fat and development of cracks in rubber which provide excellent medium for bacterial growth.
    • Sanitize milk transport line for about 5 minutes with lukewarm sanitizing solution and vacuum line one per month for bucket milker, 2 times per year for pipe line milker and every time milk is suspected of entering the line.
    • Replace inflations in groups of 4 and not one at a time.
    • Always keep two sets of rubber inflations for alternate use of each every other week.
    • Soak natural rubber in 7% lye solution and synthetic ones in 3.5% solution.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 11:23 AM