Highlights of spice research

Highlights of spice research

  • research The IISR & AICRPS centres hold about 10,500 germplasm accessions in black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, tree spices, seed spices and vanilla.
  • The concerted efforts made during the last three decades resulted in the release of many high yielding varieties.
  • Packages of technologies have been developed, such as production (rapid multiplication) of planting materials, seed germination technology, optimum time of planting, spacing, high density planting as well as high production technology(ies).
  • Manurial recommendations for different spices have been standardised for obtaining optimum yield and quality.
  • Integrated plant nutrient management systems are being evolved, weed management and water requirement have been standardised for a few spices.
  • Advances have been made to locate sources of resistance/ tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress.
  • Technology for management of pests and diseases has been developed.
  • Integrated disease management has been developed against major diseases.
  • High quality lines in black pepper, cardamom, ginger and turmeric have been identified.
  • Advances have been made in biocontrol of diseases in major spices.
  • The production of planting materials have been undertaken.
Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 6:40 AM